Video Tutorials

The video tutorials linked in the table below are between 4 and 12 minutes long. Their content supports some of the chapters in the 4th edition of my co-authored workbook, Revising Professional Writing in Science and Technology, Business, and the Social Sciences (RPW) and the new e-learning course, The Expert’s Writing Toolkit: Principles and Practice

Links in the table take you to a Pros Write blog post made up of (a) a brief motivation for learning about a writing topic, (b) a video tutorial, (c) the sample document used in the tutorial, and (d) related research. To hear the teaching philosophy behind these tutorials, check out Lectures in a writing class. Oh my! and Amateurs need explicit knowledge — not platitudes.

Main TopicVideo Tutorials Blog PostsRPW Chapters
AllLanguage Standards
Style Guides as Standards
Plain Language
Writing Project Management
Writing Processes
Writing Collaboration
3 Lessons from Great Performers for Workplace Writers (or “Why do practice exercises?”)Any
Analyzing Rhetorical ContextPurposes for Writing at WorkGet clear about your purpose before you write for workplace readersCh 1 (Purpose)
 Audience Analysis: Reader Readiness for a Message
Audience Analysis: Writer-Reader Relationships
Learn to analyze a workplace audience to deliver an effective messageCh 2 (Audience)
Developing ContentDeveloping Informative ProseInsure readers understand your message with the right contentCh 3 (Informative Prose)
 Developing Persuasive ProsePersuade readers with an appeal to logosCh 4 (Persuasive Prose)
 Developing Informative GraphicsHelp your readers see what you mean with informative graphicsCh 5 (Informative Graphics)
Organizing ContentClarifying the Bottom Line MessageImprove your reader’s efficiency — and win their gratitude — with bottom line placementCh 6 (Bottom Line Placement)
 Manage what your readers think you mean with effective paragraphsCh 7 (Paragraph Unity)
 Linking to Create CohesionCreate logical flow between sentences to promote accurate and efficient readingCh 8 (Cohesion)
 Linking Information with TransitionsLead your reader through your content with transitionsCh 9 (Transitions)
 Making Structure VisibleThink long-term and be kind to readers with well-formatted documentsCh 10 (Format)
Managing StyleConcise, High-Impact SentencesLearn to identify needless words and promote clarityCh 11 (Conciseness)
 Use parallel structure in lists to increase reading efficiencyCh 12 (Parallelism)
 Linking Information with Verb VoiceChoose active vs. passive voice strategicallyCh 13 (Voice)
 Style with Word ChoiceChoose your words carefully — when it countsCh 14 (Word Choice)
 Tone with Word ChoiceControl your tone to avoid negative attention from your readerCh 15 (Tone)
Mastering MechanicsCritical PunctuationPunctuation (Comma Splices & Sentence Fragments)Ch 16 & Ch 17
 Other Mechanical IssuesSubject-verb AgreementCh 19