Video Tutorials

Most links below take you to a post made up of a brief motivation for learning about a writing topic, a video tutorial, a sample document, and related research. The video tutorials are between 9 and 15 minutes long. I would like to find time to update/shorten them, but that won’t happen any time soon.

The topics are based on the chapters in the 3rd and 4th editions of my co-authored workbook, Revising Professional Writing in Science and Technology, Business, and the Social Sciences (RPW). To hear the teaching philosophy behind these tutorials, check out Lectures in a writing class. Oh my! and Amateurs need explicit knowledge — not platitudes.

Sample Rubric for Evaluating a Document

  1. General nonsensitive-document-rubric-with-video-links (MS Word file)
  2. General sensitive-document-rubric-with-video-links (MS Word file)

Putting It All Together

Analyzing Rhetorical Context

Developing Content

Organizing Content

Managing Style

Mastering Mechanics